Today, our society is making huge strides in de-stigmatizing mental health issues, especially after the havoc caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that has amplified the already existing stress and anxiety among the majority of the population. As a matter of fact, before the pandemic, many of us were only familiar with considering physical health conditions over mental illnesses. For a long time now, issues like anxiety, PTSD, depression, OCD and schizophrenia, have affected the lives of many people. However, the importance of treating mental health equivalent to physical health became a pretty well-accepted principle after this year.

We know people still restrict themselves in finding professional treatment and that’s why it is so important to talk about less intimidating ways to take care of mental health that don’t even cost a fortune.

Here, we have culled some of the impactful coping techniques that work for you and your mental health!

  1.     Work on your strengths

Being your own cheerleader always works! Remember about all the stuff you lose yourself in, be it coloring your art book, cooking your favorite dish, gardening, or decorating your space. Doing any activity you probably enjoy means you are pretty good at it! Getting positive results as an outcome boosts your self-esteem and helps to beat stress.

  1.     Be kind to yourself

Every individual is beautiful so instead of wishing to be like someone, be yourself and enjoy your quirkiness. The way you forgive your loved ones, practice forgiving yourself for the mistakes, and move on. Learn new skills or improve the old ones, visit new places, go on solo dates or make new friends. Do not burden yourself with negative thoughts. Just ensure maintaining a healthy relationship with the person you are going to spend the most of your life with – yourself!

  1.     Take a break

Work can wait but not your health! We preach hustling, as it is the only way to become successful. Taking a break doesn’t mean ignoring your priorities, a few minutes can be enough to de-stress yourself. It could be a five-minute walk, a call to your friend, a half-hour lunch break at work, or a weekend getaway. So stop glorifying being busy, take a few steps back from the mundane routine to recharge your mind, body, and soul! 

  1.     Get enough Sleep

If you struggle to get sleep, it means your body is indicating stress! It can be due to physical or mental distress! Every human body needs seven to eight hours of sound sleep to function properly. Try limiting the use of mobile phones before going to bed and have a consistent night routine. Practice a night care routine, sip a cup of decaffeinated tea, light some aroma candles, or read your book, all these are great ways to wind down and get ready for bed.

  1.     Exercise

Staying physically active is equally important for our emotional health as for physical health. Go for a walk, lift weights, practice yoga, or do some stretches! Choose something you love that increases serotonin levels leading to improved mood and energy. 

  1.     Eat a Balanced Diet

A healthy body is better at coping with stress than a weak one! A person with a weak immune system is not only prone to physical illness but mental ones as well. Depression, anxiety, memory loss, or OCD, and other neurological issues get triggered by chronic health issues. Include anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory food items such as whole grains, leafy greens, fruits, nuts, seeds, and olive oil to look after your mental health. 

  1.     Be in touch with your loved ones

People with mental illness resist sharing their thoughts mainly because of the fear of judgment. Sometimes being vocal about your problems helps your loved ones too in finding better solutions! Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. Talk to your parents, meet up with friends, or spend time with people who have the same interests. Just remember do not isolate yourself with negative thinking.


Once you practice, you will get to know how good it feels to take care of yourself! Some of these ways encourage you to prioritize your mental health but if you still struggle in coping up with issues, don’t be afraid to seek professional help.